Quality of Life (QoL) changes after orthognathic surgery: Do they correlate with the quantum of hard and soft tissue change? Original Research
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Aim: To investigate the relationship between post orthognathic surgery changes in soft and hard tissue cephalometric variables in Class II and Class III patients and quality of life (QoL) measured using a condition-specific QoL questionnaire and to determine cephalometric predictors of the overall OQLQ after surgery.
Methods: The sample included 50 orthodontic patients, 28 Class II and 22 Class III skeletal relationships whose treatment included orthognathic surgery. Correlations between cephalometric changes and Orthognathic Quality of Life Questionnaire (OQLQ) were tested by Pearson’s correlation. Multiple linear regression was used to determine cephalometric predictors of the overall OQLQ after surgery.
Results: In Class II patients, OQLQ before surgery and changes in SNA were significant predictors for OQLQ after surgery. For Class III patients, OQLQ after surgery was significantly correlated with the change in mandibular plane angle and lower face height (r = 0.6 and r = 0.5 respectively). The decrease in facial angle was negatively correlated with OQLQ (r = -0.4). Mandibular plane angle, mandibular length, and OQLQ before surgery were significant predictors for OQLQ after surgery.
Conclusion: QoL improved for Class II and III after orthognathic surgery. Changes in certain cephalometric measurements seem to predict quality of life after orthognathic surgery.
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